LRS - JULY, HotAir Balloons
Who We Teach
Law Firms
Injured Workers
Career Upgrades
Students, Writers, & Teachers
Seniors & Retired
About Us
Where We Teach
How We Teach
Families, Seniors and Retired Persons
Write, find and share the things you care about
Give old pictures a new life, on the Internet and in print.
1. Email & Faxing made easy
Email basics--easiest steps
Send pictures by email
Send more pictures
Block email you don't want
Save email forever
Copy emails into letters, documents, etc.
Send it on: forward jokes, pictures, articles
Faxes: send & receive from your computer
2. Really use the Internet
Satellite & street photos of your home & elsewhere
MapQuest: get directions to anywhere
Museums and such: Go there, tonight
Radio programs -- on the Internet
Music: listen to much more, right now
Save music & filmclips to your computer
Buy or sell anything, on the Internet
Newspapers: read them all, for free
Family tree: who & where you came from
Film clips: from 1901 to now
School and other reunion groups
Find friends you lost contact with
College and other classes by computer
Put a film clip of anyone on the Internet (Youtube)
Buy and sell: use Ebay, other Internet sites
Airline, hotel, and other travel info
Read all the newspapers online
Health and scientific info, without the ads
Travel reservations & opportunities
Favorite actors, singers, dancers, political and religious figures: find the stories, pictures, writings, clips
3. Talk, Don't Type
Stop typing your emails, letters, etc.
words or numbers into your computer
Correct errors easily
Keyboard and mouse: they still work if you want them
Voice recognition can be used with MS Word, Excel, Emails, etc.
4. Look good on paper
Make invitations, cards, programs
Spreadsheet: track money, time, travel costs, etc.
Make better documents than your kids can
Slide presentations for groups you belong to
Make newsletters for the groups you belong to
5. Pictures, pictures, pictures
Scan old pictures, to fix, print, or send
Crop, brighten, enhance or fix pictures
Turn color pictures to B&W, tints, etc.
Put a picture into a shape you prefer
Put pictures into a slide show, with music
Save the pictures people email to you
6. Your book, your story
Put your poem, story, book, or newsletter on paper
Make it look good: typestyles, pictures, graphics
Control page ending, numbering, headers, footers
Table of contents
Adding text or pictures from Internet, other sources
Add scanned documents, pictures, magazine parts
Save different versions of what you write
Putting it on the Internet--web pages, blogs, email